+255 786 459 551

Fleet & Fuel Management

GPS Location Tracking

Driver Behavior Management

Fuel Theft Prevention

What we do

We keep things simple, putting you in control so you can make informed decision

Our Services
Our Services

We work with you to achieve your goals

Fuel Management

Fuel management involves controlling and monitoring fuel consumption and expenses. It can be as simple as a driver checking a fuel gauge to see when to refuel or as expansive as fleet-wide real-time fuel analytics. One of the goals of fuel management is to improve fuel efficiency, which is a measurement of how well a vehicle converts fuel into energy. Fuel efficiency is often measured by fuel economy, or the kilometers per liter (KMPL) a vehicle can travel. Achieving fuel efficiency largely depends on the vehicles in your fleet. Newer trucks and reach certain fuel consumption standards. For example, safer driving behaviors and regular maintenance also improve fuel efficiency. Fuel management systems give you access to valuable usage metrics and fuel data. Implementing a fuel management system can help you identify and reduce fuel-related costs. Automated fuel management systems take efficiency a step further by consolidating tasks. Imagine getting real-time alerts for unusual vehicle behavior or fuel purchases. Receiving notifications like this makes fuel monitoring a seamless part of your operations. Instead of spending time on tedious paperwork and tracking receipts, you're free to focus on increasing your bottom line. We use smart tools to monitor fuel management, idling and idle time. see more...

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GPS Tracking System

Overall, car GPS tracking offers an effective and convenient way to monitor and manage the location and status of vehicles, providing improved security, efficiency, and peace of mind. see more...

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Fleet Management

Fleet Management includes multiple functions that fleet owners have to carry out with a common objective of minimizing costs, risks to maximize efficiency and productivity. Some of the major functions are vehicle tracking and maintenance, supply chain management, accident prevention, driver management, speed management and fuel monitoring. From the solutions point of view, there are few “Fleet Management solutions” available in the market but most of the providers have some vested interest in the freight business. Their interest in fleet visibility not in fleet efficiency. Being pure telematics providers without any conflict of interest we are in the best position to solve this problem. We started working on a comprehensive solution based on our experience and also with help of our beloved customers. Just like a computer Operating System handles every hardware and software component in a computer, fleet business needs software (an Operating System) to monitor, control & trigger every interface, touchpoints, expenses, humans in this business. This necessity resulted in the Software platform, shortly “FleetOS”. see more...

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