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Do you use either propane or diesel as a primary or backup power source at your remote sites? If you do, you know that running out of fuel has major consequences.

Your remote sites need fuel (propane/LPG or diesel) to stay online when commercial power fails. With limited battery plant capacity, you never want your fuel tanks to unexpectedly run dry. Imagine the expense and stress of rushing a refueling truck out to your site and hoping it gets there in time.

But tracking your propane or diesel levels is complicated. You have a lot of sites, and they consume fuel at different rates. You can schedule routine refueling trips based on average consumption, but that's not very efficient and you'll still get the occasional surprise.

With modern fuel sensor technology, it's now possible to use fuel sensors to remote track fuel levels. You and your team will get alerts whenever fuel runs low. You'll be able to refocus your experts on more important work because refueling will suddenly be a simple process to manage.

So, you need fuel tank monitoring equipment that monitors your fuel levels in near-real-time. It sends you low-fuel alarms. It even toggles between tanks when one is running dry.